Cal Newman Alumni

Uniting Golden Bears who were involved with Newman Hall Holy Spirit Parish at UC Berkeley.

Retreats are among the best memories alumni have of their time at Newman. These are a few pictures of them.

Spring 2008 retreat group picture with Golden Gate in background.

Spring 2008: Reflections in Faith

Fall 2007 retreat group picture on wooden stage in the forest.

Fall 2007: An Other Retreat

Pictures of earlier retreats are being researched. If you have any good quality digital images of the entire retreat group, you can email them and they will eventually get posted. Please include the semester and title of the retreat if you remember.

Spring 2007: Enough
Fall 2006: Journey
Spring 2006: iTune into God
Fall 2005: God's AIM: A Network of Inspiration
Spring 2005: Holy Cal!
Fall 2004:

If you have any questions or wish to contact us, visit our feedback form.

Copyright 2009-2012. Cal Newman Alumni and Cal Alumni Association. All rights reserved.